People have always been a bit funny about giving out their personal details to strangers. Think about it, if someone was to walk up to you in the street and ask you for your name, address and phone number, would you give it to them? Chances are, you probably wouldn’t. Why should this be any different when you’re online? 
In this digital age where data can be collected automatically, people’s privacy concerns have only risen. This has seen 137 countries, at the time of writing, put legislation into place ensure sensitive data is secure and kept private. In this country, you may have heard such legislation referred to as GDPR which stands for the General Data Protection Regulation. So, what does this mean for your business when deciding on a website provider? 
Good website designers will have security amongst its top priorities for your website. They can ensure that the data collected from users remains private which gives everybody peace of mind. The best website designer will offer this, as well as advice that you can actively take on board to keep everyone safe. Here are two quick tips for keeping your website secure. 
Stay Updated 
There are many reasons why software updates exist, and continued security is one of the biggest. Despite all the technology, sometimes bugs, appear in software used on a day-to-day basis. Most of the time, this is nothing to worry about. However, bugs can leave gaps in security which hackers can exploit, thus making your users’ data no longer private. You can stay ahead of this by updating your devices as soon as possible. Keeping your servers, or where your website is hosted, up to date, however, is more difficult as needs to be done manually. Thankfully, every It’seeze website receives frequent security updates, so you have nothing to worry about. 
Stay Backed Up 
Ensuring that your data and website is backed up is essential to the continued smooth running of your business. You should consider having off-site data backups which will prevent you losing everything in an unfortunate event such as a fire or a burglary. Most importantly, ensure that your backups are kept physically separate from your hardware, business premises and encrypted. If your backups are not encrypted and not kept within your business premises, you will be in breach of GDPR regulations. Our It’seeze servers are mirrored in a separate data centre and backed up daily to a third location, meaning your data is safe in our hands. We also have a page history tool which enables you to restore your web pages to a previous state if needed. 
If data and privacy breaches are of concern to you and your business, get in touch to learn all the other ways in which we keep your data safe online. We love offering peace of mind to our clients and their customers! 
If you have any questions or concerns, get in touch with Steve today! 
Tagged as: Security
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